ForgeOfGlory Wiki

The Bridge is the building from where your guards protect your town and provides bonuses to guards and unit storage.

At the bridge you can assign guards, upgrade guards and sell guards. You can open locked guard slots by completing the missions on the normal map.

Assigning guards.[]

Either press the 'auto fill' button to have the app choose the guards for you (by highest stats) or drag the guards you want to one of the positions on the bridge. Tactics Current tactics include: 1.

Upgrading guards[]

Upgrading 1* and 2* guards is very efficient. A 1* guard requires 1x1* to upgrade it to level 10 and 1x1* to raise its rank to 2*. You can upgrade your guards by tapping on a guard and then the 'upgrade' button. Level You can raise the guard's level by using other units (double tap or drag). This costs gold. Rank You can raise a guard's rank when they have reached the maximum level for the existing rank (1* = 10 levels, 2* = 20 levels, etc)


Building level Health and Attack bonus % Unit Storage
1 5 15
2 10 20
3 15 25
4 20 30
5 25 35
6 30 40
7 35 45
8 40 50
9 45 55
10 50 60
11 55 65
12 60 70
13 65 75